Calico Jack: The Pirate with a Flair

"Calico Jack" is the nickname of a famous pirate named Jack Rackham, who lived during the Golden Age of Piracy in the early 18th century. Calico Jack was a pirate who sailed the seas on a ship with a distinctive pirate flag featuring a skull and crossed swords. He became known for his daring adventures and was part of a notorious pirate crew that included famous female pirates like Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Calico Jack's ship, called the "Ranger," was feared by other sailors. One interesting fact about Calico Jack is that he wore colorful, calico-patterned clothing, which is how he got his nickname. Despite his bold and adventurous lifestyle, Calico Jack's pirate career was short-lived. In 1720, he and his crew were captured and sentenced to hang for their pirate activities. So, Calico Jack is remembered as a colorful and daring pirate who left his mark on the history of piracy during the exciting days of sailing the high seas.

Fun Facts:

Fashionable Pirate: Calico Jack was called "Calico" because of his colorful, calico-printed clothing. Pirates weren't always rugged - some had a flair for fashion!

Famous Jolly Roger: Calico Jack's pirate flag, the Jolly Roger, featured a skull with crossed swords beneath. It was one of the most recognized pirate flags of its time.

Fearless Crew: Among his crew were two famous female pirates, Anne Bonny and Mary Read. They disguised themselves as men and fought bravely alongside Calico Jack.


1682 Calico Jack was born in Jamaica.

1718 Calico Jack captured a ship named the "William," which would become his famous pirate ship.

1720 His pirate career came to an end when he was captured by pirate hunters in Jamaica.

Reference Books for Elementary Students:

"Pirates!" by David L. Harrison: This book introduces young readers to the exciting world of pirates, including a section on Calico Jack.

"Pirates: Robbers of the High Seas" by Gail Gibbons: A beautifully illustrated book that provides an overview of pirates, including Calico Jack and his crew.

These books are tailored for young readers, offering a captivating glimpse into the adventurous life of Calico Jack and the world of pirates.