Christopher Columbus: Explorer of New World

Christopher Columbus was a brave explorer who opened up a whole new world to people.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus was an explorer who lived a long time ago, in the 15th century. He was born in Italy in 1451 and dreamed of finding a new route to Asia by sailing westward across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus believed the Earth was smaller than most people thought, so he thought he could reach Asia faster by going west instead of east. In 1492, Columbus convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain to sponsor his journey. He set sail with three ships—the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña. After a long and challenging journey, on October 12, 1492, Columbus and his crew spotted land. They had arrived in the Americas, although Columbus thought he had reached Asia. Columbus made a total of four voyages across the Atlantic, exploring islands in the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America. Even though he didn't find a direct route to Asia as he had hoped, Columbus's journeys opened up a whole new world for exploration and trade. His discoveries had a big impact on history, connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas and leading to the Age of Exploration. It's essential to note that while Columbus is remembered for his exploration, there are also discussions about the impact on the indigenous people he encountered, and it's important to understand different perspectives on this part of history.

Fun Facts:

Dreams of Discovery: Columbus was born in Italy in 1451 and had a big dream - he wanted to find a new route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean.

Three Famous Ships: In 1492, Columbus set sail on his journey with three ships: the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Niña. They were much smaller than ships today, but they carried Columbus and his crew across the ocean.

Landing in the Caribbean: On October 12, 1492, after weeks at sea, Columbus and his crew spotted land! They thought they had reached Asia, but they had actually arrived in the Caribbean islands.


1451 Christopher Columbus is born in Italy.

1492 Columbus sets sail on his first voyage with three ships.

1492 Columbus and his crew reach the Caribbean islands, thinking they've reached Asia.

1498 Columbus embarks on his third voyage, exploring South America.

1502 Columbus sets out on his fourth and final voyage, reaching Central America.

1506 Columbus passes away in Spain.

Christopher Columbus's Impact on the World:

While he thought he was reaching Asia, his journeys led to the discovery of the Americas and changed history forever.