The Gulf War

Gulf War

The Gulf War happened in 1990-1991 and involved Iraq and a group of countries led by the United States. The main reason was that Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invaded a neighboring country called Kuwait. Imagine if one friend took over another friend's toys without asking – that's a bit like what happened with countries. The United States and its friends wanted to help Kuwait get its toys (or in this case, its country) back. There were big battles with tanks and planes in the desert, and eventually, the countries working together, called the coalition, pushed Iraq out of Kuwait. The Gulf War ended, and Kuwait got its country back. The leaders promised to work together to keep the peace in that part of the world.


August 2, 1990:The invasion begins! Iraqi forces led by Saddam Hussein invade a country called Kuwait.

January 17, 1991:The Allied forces, made up of countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and more, launch a massive attack to push Iraq out of Kuwait.

February 28, 1991:The war ends in just six weeks! Kuwait is freed, and the Allied forces win the war.

Fun Facts

The Gulf War took place in the early 1990s when many of your parents and teachers were kids!

It was also called Operation Desert Storm because the war mainly happened in the hot deserts of the Middle East.

One of the coolest military inventions used during the Gulf War was the "Stealth" technology, which made planes almost invisible to enemy radar.

Important Historical Figures

George H.W. Bush: He was the President of the United States during the Gulf War and led the country through this challenging time.

Saddam Hussein:He was the leader of Iraq and started the conflict by invading Kuwait. He was later captured and brought to justice for his actions.

General Norman Schwarzkopf:He was the commander of the Allied forces and was known for his brilliant strategies during the war.

Leaders of the Ancient World

Alexander the Great
Marcus Aurelius
Julius Ceasar
Pharaoh Tutankhamun
Qin Shi Huang

Medieval Leaders

Ragnar Lothbrok
Genghis Khan
Richard the Lion Heart
Mehmed the Conqueror

American Leaders

Chief Sitting Bull
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Ulysses S. Grant
John F. Kennedy
General David Petraeus

Leaders in World War Two

Winston Churchill
Joseph Stalin
Franklin Roosevelt
General Patton
General Monty Montgomery
General Romel

World Leaders

Napoleon Bonaparte
Mao Ze Dong
Mahatma Ganghi
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Black Leaders

Martin Luther King
Frederick Douglass
Mansa Musa
Barack Obama
Nelson Mandela
Shaka Zulu

The Modern Era

The French Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
The American Civil War
The Ottoman Empire
The Wild West
World War One
World War Two
The War of Independence
The Cold War
The Gulf War
The Afghanistan Conflict

The Ancient World

Ancient Egypt
Ancient Rome
Ancient Greece
Ancient China

The Middle Ages

The Dark Ages
The Vikings
The Crusades
The Renaissance

Woman Leaders

Elizabeth the First
Rosa Parks
Joan of Arc
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Queen Victoria
Princess Dianna
Margaret Thatcher
Elizabeth the Second


Leonardo Da Vinci
Thomas Edison
Robert Oppenheimer
Marie Currie
Louis Pasteur
Albert Enstein
Nikolas Tesla
Alexander Graham Bell
The Wright Brothers


Henry Ford
Levi Strauss
Steve Jobs

World Explorers

Captian James Cook
Amelia Earhart
Scott of the Antartic
Zhong He


Neil Armstrong
Buzz Aldrin
Yuri Gagarin
Sally Ride

American Explorers

Heron Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
Marco Polo
Christopher Columbus
Lewis & Clark


J.R.R Tolkien
C.S Lewis
Jack London
William Shakespeare
Roald Dahl
George Orwell
Mark Twain
J.K Rowling


Sir Francis Drake
Calico Jack
Madame Cheng