Pharaoh Tutankhamun: The Boy King of Ancient Egypt

King Tutankhamun, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who lived over 3,000 years ago! King Tut, as he is often called, became a ruler when he was just a child, around 9 years old. Imagine being a king at such a young age! King Tut is famous for his incredible tomb, which was filled with treasures that were meant to accompany him into the afterlife. The tomb was discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922, and it was like finding a real-life treasure chest! Inside King Tut's tomb, there were beautiful golden masks, statues, jewelry, and more. It was a fascinating peek into the life of ancient Egyptians and their beliefs about the afterlife. The golden mask that covered King Tut's mummy is one of the most iconic discoveries in history. Even though King Tutankhamun's reign was short, and he might not have been the most powerful pharaoh, his tomb gave us a glimpse into the rich and mysterious world of ancient Egypt. Kids today can learn about history and imagine what life was like for a young pharaoh in a time long, long ago!

Pharaoh Tutankhamun

Short Biography: Tutankhamun

Meet Tutankhamun, the Boy King who ruled over the enchanting land of Ancient Egypt thousands of years ago! Born around 1341 BCE, Tutankhamun, or "King Tut" as he is affectionately known, became one of the most famous pharaohs in history. Tutankhamun's story begins when he was just a young prince. His father, Akhenaten, was a unique pharaoh who believed in one god, the sun god Aten. When Akhenaten passed away, the young Tutankhamun ascended to the throne at the tender age of 9 or 10. Imagine ruling a kingdom when you're just a kid! Despite his youth, King Tut made decisions that helped bring back the traditional Egyptian ways, including worshipping many gods instead of just one. One of the most exciting parts of Tutankhamun's story is the discovery of his tomb in the Valley of the Kings by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. The tomb was filled with treasures beyond imagination – golden masks, jewelry, furniture, and more! It was like stepping into a magical world frozen in time. The most iconic treasure found in King Tut's tomb was his golden burial mask. It is one of the most famous artifacts from Ancient Egypt and is admired worldwide for its beauty and craftsmanship. Despite his short life – he died around the age of 18 or 19 – King Tutankhamun left a lasting legacy. His tomb and treasures have taught us so much about life in Ancient Egypt, and his story continues to captivate the imaginations of people of all ages. So, the next time you hear about the Boy King of Egypt, remember Tutankhamun – the young pharaoh who became a legend!

Fun Facts

Born to Royalty: Tutankhamun, often called "King Tut," became Pharaoh of Egypt when he was just a child, around 9 or 10 years old.

Hidden Treasure: His tomb, discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922, was filled with amazing treasures, including his famous golden mask.

Mystery of His Death: How Tutankhamun died remains a mystery. Some think he had an infected leg, while others believe he might have had malaria.

King for a Short Time: He ruled Egypt for only about 10 years, but he's one of the most famous pharaohs in history.


1341 BC Tutankhamun is born.

1333 BC He becomes Pharaoh of Egypt at a young age.

1323 BC King Tut dies unexpectedly, possibly due to illness or an accident.

1922 AD Howard Carter discovers Tutankhamun's tomb, and it becomes a worldwide sensation.

Impact on the World:

Unlocking History: Tutankhamun's tomb gave us incredible insights into ancient Egypt. It's like a time capsule that helps us learn about their art, culture, and daily life.

Tourist Attraction: Today, people from all over the world visit Egypt to see the treasures from King Tut's tomb in museums and exhibitions.

Inspiration for Artists: King Tut's golden mask and other artifacts have inspired artists and designers for generations.

Reference Books for Elementary Students

"Who Was King Tut?" by Roberta Edwards This book is part of the popular "Who Was?" series and provides an easy to understand overview of Tutankhamun's life.

"Tutankhamun (DK Discoveries)" by Catherine Chambers This book is filled with pictures and interesting facts about King Tut and ancient Egypt.

"The Curse of King Tut's Mummy" by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld This book introduces the mystery surrounding King Tut's tomb in a kid friendly way.

"National Geographic Kids Everything Ancient Egypt" by Crispin Boyer While not solely focused on King Tut, this book provides a broader look at ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun's era.

"You Wouldn't Want to Be Tutankhamun!" by David Stewart This fun and informative book lets kids imagine what it would be like to be in King Tut's shoes.

These books are a great starting point for young readers interested in the fascinating world of ancient Egypt and the boy king who captured the world's imagination.

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