Sir Francis Drake: Hero or Villain?

Sir Francis Drake was an adventurous English explorer who lived a long time ago, in the 16th century. He loved the sea and became a famous sailor and pirate! Queen Elizabeth I of England trusted him to explore the world and find new lands. One of Drake's most exciting journeys was when he sailed around the globe. Yes, that's right, all the way around the Earth! He started in 1577 and finished in 1580. Imagine how amazing that must have been! Drake also liked to play tricks on his enemies. Once, he defeated the powerful Spanish Armada by using fire ships, which were ships set on fire and sent towards the enemy. It was like a giant, fiery surprise! But Drake wasn't just a tough sailor; he was also the first Englishman to set foot on the west coast of North America. He claimed the land, which is now part of California, for England. Kids, remember Sir Francis Drake as the brave explorer who sailed the seas, circled the Earth, and had lots of exciting adventures!

Fun Facts:

Pirate Turned Hero: Drake started his career as a pirate, preying on Spanish ships. But later, he became a national hero by helping defend England against the Spanish Armada.

PCircumnavigation Marvel: Drake was the first Englishman to sail around the world. He embarked on this daring journey in 1577, and although he didn't complete the entire voyage, he still made a significant impact.

PThe Golden Hind: Drake's ship, the Golden Hind, was his vessel of choice. It became famous not only for circumnavigating the globe but also for the treasures it brought back to England.


1540s Drake was born in Tavistock, England, around 1540.

1577-1580: Drake's most famous expedition - circumnavigating the globe.

1588: Played a crucial role in the English defeat of the Spanish Armada.

1596: Died off the coast of Panama during another expedition.

Reference Books for Elementary Students:

"Who Was Sir Francis Drake?" by Kirsten Anderson: This is part of the popular "Who Was?" series, which simplifies historical figures for young readers.

"Sir Francis Drake: Circumnavigating the Globe" by Diane Stanley: This book provides an engaging narrative and illustrations suitable for elementary students.

"Pirates: Most Wanted" by John Matthews: Although not solely about Drake, this book provides insights into the adventurous life of pirates during Drake's time.

"The World's Greatest Explorers" by Robin Hanbury-Tenison: This book covers various explorers, including Drake, and is written in a way that elementary students can easily understand.

Remember, when introducing historical figures to elementary students, it's important to balance the excitement of their adventures with a broader understanding of the historical context.